000 | EyeFood | description

EyeFood is a sophisticated AI-based system for catering businesses.

001 | EyeFood | task


To improve the payment process in canteens – to speed up the payment process, to eliminate errors caused by the human factor.

002 | EyeFood | solution


The system consists of several block-modules:
recognition system module
payment processing module
web user interface

How to make an order

002 | EyeFood | solution | how to make an order | choice of dishes

choice of dishes

The visitor chooses any dishes from the menu and puts them on a tray

002 | EyeFood | solution | how to make an order | recognition


The visitor puts the tray under the camera that scans what is on the tray.

The dish recognition system: recognizes the packaging like utensils, boxed packages, containers, bottles, etc. Classifies the dishes.
The dish recognition system: recognizes the packaging like utensils, boxed packages, containers, bottles, etc. Classifies the dishes.

002 | EyeFood | solution | how to make an order | Order confirmation

Order confirmation

The terminal’s screen shows the list of dishes identified by the neural network, and the user makes sure everything is correct.

(If the dishes look alike, the system lets the user choose between the options – for example, cappuccino or latte.)

002 | EyeFood | solution | how to make an order | payment


The order can be paid by credit card or biometric data.

003 | EyeFood | outcomes

  • The system recognizes dishes on a tray within 1-2 seconds
  • The average time between the first and the last stages is 20-30 seconds – compare it to an average cashier that needs around 50 seconds to serve a customer. Due to a big number of people who come to this place, such a difference in speed of order processing is critical and fundamentally important.
Customers are serviced faster, which saves their lunch time.

Increasing the speed of order processing has a positive effect on the average check indicator – the faster visitors receive their orders, the more guests can be served and the more often they return to this canteen.

Russia, Moscow
Skladocnaya st., 3 building 5
+7 (495) 260 14 13
Belarus, Minsk
Clara Zetkin 24