000 | Coral Сlub | Client Information
Coral Club is the producer of healthy food and comprehensive solutions for natural health improvement.
The company has manufacturing facilities in 11 countries and operates in 20 countries.
001 | Coralclub | Awards and Honours
Tagline 2021
Best digital platform for online events
002 | Coral Сlub | Task
The key task was to develop an interactive digital platform for online events on extremely short timelines.
Maintain the stability of the system while hosting up to 10,000 concurrent users
Localise the platform to 8 countries

Users had access not only to the video streaming but also to the speakers’ presentations. Presentations that were readily available for the public could also be turned off manually through the admin panel.

The ubiquitous management process allowed a single admin to control all language versions simultaneously. Thus, the slides switched almost instantly for all users.

A two-sided chat interface for participants and commentators/moderators was one of the most complex elements of the digital platform.
Participants were automatically redirected from the general chat room to the dedicated comment section in their own language. At the same time, commentators had access to their own and private participants’ language rooms in their admin panel. While platform moderators could work on any language room during streaming and users’ private accounts in every language.
The digital platform was filled with infotainment content available for users in-between streams: online tests, schedules, tips, and insights. Users could also simply chat in the “New Ranks” section or discuss issues with the tech support.
To improve the consumer experience, the “picture-in-picture” feature was added to the online player. The users could keep watching the stream even when jumping between pages, as the video kept rolling in a smaller window.
The sign-in procedure was facilitated through the authorisation emails sent to the registered users. The emails included a unique authorisation link and an automatically generated login and password. Thus, users could sign in to the platform with any device or browser. At the same time, the platform adhered to the safety regulations of commercial events: single streaming from the account was allowed.
Event control features (such as days on/off, streaming on/off, access restrictions before the official event start) were added to the admin panel. The API Gateway was used to create the complex authorisation system and access authorisation to the system services. At the same time, NGINX was used for web server load balancing and seamless switch of users’ requests to services.
003 | Coralclub | Solution
The digital platform consists of 3 elements:
Public — for platform users;
Admin Panel — or employees;
Two-sided chat for users and moderators;
As platform localisation to 8 different countries was one of the key tasks, developers had to work side by side with translators. Developers had to work with many tables with translations that were continuously updated by the translators, which were busy localising content.
Solution architects have given special attention to the platform’s load-carrying capacity and ability to adjust to scale. Functionalities will continue to advance, and the audience will be able to grow at every event.
Solution architects have given special attention to the platform’s load-carrying capacity and ability to adjust to scale. Functionalities will continue to advance, and the audience will be able to grow at every event.
Russia, Moscow
Skladocnaya st., 3 building 5
+7 (495) 260 14 13
Belarus, Minsk
Clara Zetkin 24